Pubmed Schema Visualization

Pubmed Schema Visualization

This visualization describes the Pubmed Headache dataset schema.

Instructions to interact with visualization

*Our current implementation of the visualization is slow. We are working in updating it to improve its responsiveness. Please allow a few seconds per interactive action on the visualization
  1. Single Clicking a node highlights that node and its neighbour nodes and their edges
  2. Nodes not selected are grayed out
  3. To reset all nodes and edges to their default color, click on a blank space
  4. Multiple selected nodes (and neighbours) are highlighted in different colors
    • Any neighbour node common to two selection groups is highlight in the color of the most recent selection
  5. Any selected node can be clicked on again to change its highlighting color
    • You may therefore keep clicking on a node until the highlighting color is to your preference. Ex. Contrasting well with other selection colors
Data Source Knowledge Field Knowledge Class Problem ProblemAttribute